Welcome to WildSkins

Return Policy

Last updated October 12, 2023

Thank you for choosing WildSkins for your CS2 skin needs! We want to ensure that your experience with us is enjoyable and hassle-free. If you encounter any issues with the CS2 skins you’ve purchased, please review our return policy below.

1. Eligibility for Returns

  • You are eligible for a return if the CS2 skin you purchased is faulty or invalid.
  • Returns must be initiated within 7 days of the purchase date.

2. Initiate a Return

  • To start the return process, please send an email to support@wildskins.store within the specified return period.
  • In the email, include your order number, the product you are returning, and the reason for the return.

3. Return Conditions

  • CS2 skins must not have been used or applied in the game.
  • CS2 skins should not be transferred to a 3rd person

4. Refund Process

  • Once your return request is received and approved, we will issue a refund to the original payment method used during the purchase.
  • Refunds will be processed within 5-7 business days after the return is approved.

5. Non-Refundable Products

  • Some products, once redeemed, may not be eligible for returns. This includes products with a clear indication at the time of purchase that they are non-refundable.

6. Contact Information

  • If you have any questions or need assistance with the return process, please contact our customer support team at support@wildskins.store

7. Additional Information

  • WildSkins reserves the right to reject any return request that does not meet the specified criteria in this policy.
  • Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer unless otherwise stated.

8. Changes to the Return Policy

  • WildSkins reserves the right to make changes to this return policy without prior notice. Any updates will be reflected on this page.

Thank you for choosing WildSkins. We are committed to providing you with the best gaming experience and service. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.